
ADOmedia have recently started using a fantastic on-line accounts system for our day to day bookkeeping. We have spent approximately 6 months trialing various on-line accounts systems and were about to knock the idea on the head when we stumbled across FreeAgent. Over the last few weeks we have been using the free trial and have just signed up to the service full time. The benefits for any small business / sole trader are unbelievable… it is so intuitive and yet so simple to use!

Freeagent - Accounting made easy!

Have a look at the tour to find out more about the system.

As a valued customer of FreeAgent ADOmedia have been given the referral code 33w20wf2 for any of our contacts who wish to also use the service. Why not visit the site here, sign up for the free, no obligation trial and if you decide to use the service simply sign up using the code and subscribe to receive 10% off your monthly subscription… we can heartily recommend it!

FreeAgent sign-up