
Ever wanted to be Superman

Well now you can have X-Ray vision too with some graphical trickery in Adobe Photoshop. Create some amazing images of even mundane items using some great techniques in Photoshop which any skill level can attain, including beginners. Get to your kitchen and slice that banana open and have a go yourself. Only your imagination can limit the possibilities of this new X-Ray vision.

For instruction on how to achieve these effects, please click here


Kyle Lambert

Hard to believe the picture of Rihanna below is actually a digital drawing and not a photograph. Having met Kyle personally and having his work brought to my attention by his friends and not himself speaks volumes. Kyle’s work is done on varying platforms as detailed below each of his pictures, including some truly stunning pieces on an iPad! The Rihanna piece below took 8 hours using a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet with Adobe Photoshop.

Kyle Lambert's digital illustration of Rihanna

To see many more images of Kyle’s superb artwork and to watch a video of how Kyle made this Rihanna picture, click here.