
Anyone for Beer?

Toby - Beer wizard in chief at Redwillow BreweryHere at ADOmedia we love getting involved with local businesses. We also love promoting products that we feel passionate about and so our latest website development for Redwillow Brewery was something of a dream project! A local business providing one of our favourite products, yes you guessed it, Beer!

The Redwillow micro brewery is the brainchild or potentially, as he puts it, “mid life crises” of owner and beer wizard, Toby. He loves beer even more than we do and has created a fantastic array of pale ales, porters and IPA’s in a range of flavours that even Willy Wonka himself would be proud of (had he actually existed and made beer rather that chocolate of course!) Toby chose our e-commerce and content management package which will allow him to sell his products to those who wish to stock up for home enjoyment, promote his brewery to the more discerning establishments and keep his customers up to date with his latest produce, news and events.

Redwillow Brewery web site screen grab

The new website has a pared down, clean and modern look placing emphasis on the striking bold colours and elegant design of the company logo which is displayed throughout the site in the comforting and evocative form of pump clips. Take a look here to find your nearest retailer or drinking hole stocking the delectable Redwillow ales.

Why not step out and try one (or three) for yourself and let us know what you think. It is Friday after all… enjoy!

You can view the web site at