A stylish and fully responsive website for Cheshire’s premier fitness agency DS Lifestyle and Fitness.
View the site here.
by adomedia
A stylish and fully responsive website for Cheshire’s premier fitness agency DS Lifestyle and Fitness.
View the site here.
by adomedia
It’s that time of year again. The cold, dark nights have taken hold and Christmas is upon us. It’s almost time for us to shut down our computers, lock up the studio and head home for a well deserved break.
This week the ADOsquad have been diligently working away to ensure that all work is wrapped up and that our clients and their businesses are prepared for the festive break.
It’s been busy. We’ve worked our way through a fair few mince pies and the studio has been filled with festive music. Some of which was provided by our good friend, the Manchester based artist Kamal Arafa, who, along with some talented musician friends, has written and recorded a fantastically festive song “It’s Christmas Time Again”! We were lucky enough to be one of only 50 recipients to receive a free copy (ours was #11). You can have a listen to it here.
Kamal also designed the cover artwork. Do you like his style? He also designs t-shirts, have a look and buy one of them here via his online store. So thanks to Kamal (and said mince pies) we are feeling well and truly in the festive mood.
We will be in the studio until Friday afternoon and we will be locking the doors until our return to work on the 7th January 2013. However, Steve will be available via email (steve@adomedia.co.uk) for any problems or enquiries you may have over the holidays. But do remember, poor Steve needs a holiday too, so please keep it only to urgent enquiries where possible!
It’s been a very busy year for us, and the new year looks set to be our busiest yet! We are all looking forward to a fresh start in January when we will be rolling out some exciting new plans.
We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a fantastic new year.
by adomedia
When we were approached by Peak District Artisans to create them a brand spanking new website, we jumped at the chance! Promoting creativity and local talent is something we really enjoy, so this particular project was right up our street.
Peak District Artisans, based in and around the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District in England, are some of the very best professional fine artists, designers, makers and contemporary artisans around. The website we created for them offers each artist within the association the ability to create their own editable profile, to which they can upload their work, photographs and information, creating an ever changing online portfolio.
The news section of the site offers the group the ability to create events and news articles and promote any upcoming exhibitions. Visitors to the website are able to browse the artists alphabetically or by genre. They can also view the latest tweets from the PDA members and link to their social media networks.
We selected a fresh, pared down approach to the design with a soft colour palette created to place emphasis on the artists work and give definition to each separate category.
We think the final outcome looks fantastic and we have received some fantastic feedback from the Peak District Artisans.
Take a look around the site and let us know what you think at www.peakdistrictartisans.co.uk
by adomedia
by adomedia
As usual, team ADO has been working hard over the last few weeks, launching new web projects left, right and centre.
One week it’s events co-ordination, the next, a local micro brewery. It’s one of the things we love about our line of work, getting to meet a vast cross section of different people from all walks of life and areas of industry. People who are passionate about their work, who allow us to learn a bit about what they do and help them to push their business forward. It really is inspiring stuff!
This week’s launch is a very interesting project for a Cheshire based company, AJ Tyzack, who provide technical sales services for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical and cosmetic industries throughout the UK and Ireland. We used an uncomplicated colour palette of blue and black combined with a clean white background to create a fresh and clinical design, which accurately reflects the company’s line of expertise and places emphasis on the simple, punchy imagery dotted around the site, in order to quickly get their message across to potential clients. Take a look at the results here and see what you think.
What will it be next week? Watch this space and find out…
You can view our latest produce at www.ajtyzack.com
by adomedia
Here at ADOmedia we love getting involved with local businesses. We also love promoting products that we feel passionate about and so our latest website development for Redwillow Brewery was something of a dream project! A local business providing one of our favourite products, yes you guessed it, Beer!
The Redwillow micro brewery is the brainchild or potentially, as he puts it, “mid life crises” of owner and beer wizard, Toby. He loves beer even more than we do and has created a fantastic array of pale ales, porters and IPA’s in a range of flavours that even Willy Wonka himself would be proud of (had he actually existed and made beer rather that chocolate of course!) Toby chose our e-commerce and content management package which will allow him to sell his products to those who wish to stock up for home enjoyment, promote his brewery to the more discerning establishments and keep his customers up to date with his latest produce, news and events.
The new website has a pared down, clean and modern look placing emphasis on the striking bold colours and elegant design of the company logo which is displayed throughout the site in the comforting and evocative form of pump clips. Take a look here to find your nearest retailer or drinking hole stocking the delectable Redwillow ales.
Why not step out and try one (or three) for yourself and let us know what you think. It is Friday after all… enjoy!
You can view the web site at www.redwillowbrewery.com
by adomedia
by adomedia
E-marketing campaign for Krankbrother.
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched a fun and colourful website for Cheshire YFC. We were approached to create the new online presence as the federation felt that it was time for them to allow their members to be able to keep up to date with all the latest events going on in and around Cheshire in the farming community. The site also allows them to update their latest news and info from the Federation, host numerous galleries from past events, allow for Cheshire YFC to spread the word about their organistation and attract new members from around the local area.
The results have been very promising so far with numerous enquiries already coming in from interested potential new members.
You can view our latest produce here – www.cheshireyoungfarmers.co.uk… enjoy!
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched the website for the newly refurbished B&B Cotesfield Farm. The beautiful working farm was recently taken over by the Morrison family and offers a warm countryside welcome to all who stay. They approached us after seeing the great work that we have undertaken in the past with 20 Albany Street and Harrop Fold Farm and the end result has been received very well by their prospective clients.
From the logo design, the external signage, the website and the printed literature and stationery, and the photography shoot ADOmedia carried out the full caboodle!
To view our latest offering you can visit the site here – www.cotesfieldfarm.co.uk
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched the new website for Macclesfield Counselling and Training Centre. The new site focuses on the events wing of their business and allows visitors to easily view and book places on the many courses, training seminars and conferences that they organise. Using a content management system the client is easily able to create events and set multiple pricing levels and attendance limits. The end result is a very clean and easy to navigate website that the client just loves – it has drastically reduced their admin time and this allows them to get on with the work they do best!
To view the latest produce from ADOmedia visit the site here – www.mctcevents.co.uk
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched a brand new e-commerce website selling all manner of home furniture but with a particular focus on bathroom units. Bathrooms and More Store is packed full of fantastic ceramic, stone and solid oak goodies that will brighten up any home! The end result is a clean and very easy to navigate online shop.
To view ADOmedia’s latest website here – www.bathroomsandmorestore.co.uk
by adomedia
ADOmedia, working in conjunction with ABK Performance Sports Ltd, have just designed, built and launched the massive new website for PowerPlay Golf®. The site went live yesterday at 2.00pm sharp with a live stream of a video conference introducing PowerPlay Golf® to the world stage… hosted by non other than Peter McEvoy, Colin Montgomerie and Paul Casey (they are pretty famous golfers to the uninitiated)!
PowerPlay Golf® is a 9-hole format in which golfers choose to aim for one of two flags on the green – a White Flag and a Black (‘PowerPlay’) Flag. Players have limited PowerPlays, and score extra points for net birdies or better when playing to the Black (or ‘PowerPlay’) Flag, thereby creating extra pressure. On the PowerPlay Golf® web site golfers can register to earn PowerPlay Dollars, enabling them to climb the PPG World Rankings and compete in user-generated PowerPlay Golf® Leagues both locally and around the world. PowerPlay Golf’s format is ideal for TV, creating a complete golf tournament in under three hours. Broadcasters can televise golf in a more compressed time-frame, and increase golfing TV audiences.
So, all good news for golfers everywhere!
You can view the PowerPlay Golf® website here – www.powerplay-golf.com
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched the brilliant new website for London based DJ duo and promoters krankbrother. Having attended a number of their parties over the last year it was a honour to be asked to get involved with the project… they really do throw brilliantly original nights! The guys play a mix of Berlin-esque deep house and techno and have a ever growing roster of unbelievable big names from the scene playing sets at each party: Ivan Smaghhe, Dyed Soundorom, Lee Curtiss, Nic Fanciulli, Italoboyz, Namito and Martin Landsky are just a few that spring to mind!
The site design follows their musical style – minimal and low fi! The end result is a visually appealing site with ultra slick navigation and a limited colour palette to bring the full attention of the viewer to the event flyers.
To view the brand, spanking new krankbrother we site please visit www.krankbrother.com.
by adomedia
It’s finally here! After a few months of development ADOmedia have finally launched Macc Music. The aim of the website is to allow the local community of Macclesfield to be able to see what is going on on the gigging front, view and write reviews of acts they have seen and generally keep up to date with all the happenings on the music scene. With no bias towards any particular genre we hope that the site will become the areas number one portal for the music community, and, best of all – it is FREE to use!
You can view the site here – www.macc-music.co.uk. Remember, we need all of your help to really make this work! Start adding your own gig listings, reviews and classified adverts now!
by adomedia
A.J Boon Butchers of Chelford is a long established, quality butchers offering a massive range of the best locally sourced meat and dairy produce in the area. Late last year ADOmedia was approached by the business to create a fully editable website that would allow for new customers to find out about their great products. We have just launched the website in conjunction with the design and print of a flyer that has been distributed locally.
To view our latest project please visit www.ajboonbutchers.co.uk.
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched a new website specialising in imported Italian liqueurs. Beviamo is a full on-line store with a simple to use navigation allowing it’s users to select their favourite tipple with ease… Evviva!
To view the new website please visit www.beviamo.co.uk.
by adomedia
The next thing in local TV is set to go.
ADOmedia are working closely with City TV Broadcasting, an up and coming TV channel, creating an entire online platform and media presentation and communication system. Make sure you sign up to their mailing list to keep up to date. Watch this space…
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just finalised and launched the brand new web presence for internationally renowned vehicle performance specialists Powerchips. Powerchips is a product of Collins Performance Engineering and is celebrating 25 years of service to the motor industry. The new website allows the business to reflect it’s cutting edge technology with a clean and crisp navigation and layout. You could say that we have unlocked their potential online!
You can view Powerchips new website at www.powerchips.com
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just launched the new website for local beauty therapy business Pure Indulgence. Pure Indulgence are a Macclesfield based firm offering beauty therapy as a mobile service or from within the comfort of their treatment room.
To view the website please visit www.pure-indulgence-beauty-therapy.co.uk.
by adomedia
ADOmedia have recently launched the new website for fit out and refurbishment specialists Woottons Ltd. We were approached by the company with a brief to design and build a clean and easy to navigate web presence that would allow them to expose their services to a wider audience with the ambition to expand the company out across the UK. The end result has gone down a storm with the client who loved the crisp nature of the layout and design.
You can view Woottons new website here.
by adomedia
Norbury Farm is a working farm based in Hazel Grove. ADOmedia was approached by the owners to create a new website that would be able to reflect the farm’s diversity with the ability to focus on the four areas of the premises.
As well as rearing their own sheep and cattle (over 80 acres of green belt land) the farm boasts a café, a gift shop which sells a wide range of items from artificial flowers, cards, ceramics and lots more and a butchers. In addition to this Norbury Farm also has an antiques restorers. The photography on the website was also carried out by ADOmedia’s resident photographer Andy Stairmand, if you need shoots undertaking please let us know here. The end result has been well received and we are chuffed to bits with the outcome of the project!
You can view the website we have created for Norbury Farm here – www.norburyfarm.co.uk
by adomedia
ADOmedia have just completed the build and launched a European multi-lingual website for Think Ambient. The brief was to use the design from the existing UK version of the site and create a content managed version with the ability to add multiple languages. Think Ambient specialise in ambient media for guerilla marketing. They have two main products that they distribute, Clings and STX.
To find out more about their great products that literally cling and stick to any surface please visit the new website at www.thinkambient.eu.
Our open ended design policy ensures we build the perfect digital experience for your business that looks beautiful and functions seamlessly across all devices.
All of our websites are developed on a flexible framework allowing our team to make swift changes to your website’s look to suit your current targets.
Our customers enjoy a monthly payment plan which means we can start building your new website without the need for any large upfront fees.