
AJ Tyzack goes live

As usual, team ADO has been working hard over the last few weeks, launching new web projects left, right and centre.

One week it’s events co-ordination, the next, a local micro brewery. It’s one of the things we love about our line of work, getting to meet a vast cross section of different people from all walks of life and areas of industry. People who are passionate about their work, who allow us to learn a bit about what they do and help them to push their business forward. It really is inspiring stuff!

This week’s launch is a very interesting project for a Cheshire based company, AJ Tyzack, who provide technical sales services for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, chemical and cosmetic industries throughout the UK and Ireland. We used an uncomplicated colour palette of blue and black combined with a clean white background to create a fresh and clinical design, which accurately reflects the company’s line of expertise and places emphasis on the simple, punchy imagery dotted around the site, in order to quickly get their message across to potential clients. Take a look at the results here and see what you think.

AJ Tyzack web site screen shot

What will it be next week? Watch this space and find out…

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