
Merry Christmas

It’s that time of year again. The cold, dark nights have taken hold and Christmas is upon us. It’s almost time for us to shut down our computers, lock up the studio and head home for a well deserved break.

This week the ADOsquad have been diligently working away to ensure that all work is wrapped up and that our clients and their businesses are prepared for the festive break.

It’s been busy. We’ve worked our way through a fair few mince pies and the studio has been filled with festive music. Some of which was provided by our good friend, the Manchester based artist Kamal Arafa, who, along with some talented musician friends, has written and recorded a fantastically festive song “It’s Christmas Time Again”! We were lucky enough to be one of only 50 recipients to receive a free copy (ours was #11). You can have a listen to it here.

Kamal and Friends - It's Christmas Time Again

Kamal also designed the cover artwork. Do you like his style? He also designs t-shirts, have a look and buy one of them here via his online store. So thanks to Kamal (and said mince pies) we are feeling well and truly in the festive mood.

We will be in the studio until Friday afternoon and we will be locking the doors until our return to work on the 7th January 2013. However, Steve will be available via email ( for any problems or enquiries you may have over the holidays. But do remember, poor Steve needs a holiday too, so please keep it only to urgent enquiries where possible!

It’s been a very busy year for us, and the new year looks set to be our busiest yet! We are all looking forward to a fresh start in January when we will be rolling out some exciting new plans.

We would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a fantastic new year.

Clever Advertising

In everyday life, we are constantly bombarded with advertisements. From the minute we open our eyes in the morning we are surrounded by branding. As such, we have all developed techniques to block out aggressive marketing and subconsciously ignore anything that does not instantly appeal.

Clever agencies have realised that it takes more than a flashy print ad or billboard to catch our cynical eyes and capture our ever diminishing attention. It takes a lot to impress us these days and campaigns lacking in innovation no longer cut the mustard.

The most astute marketing agencies have devised campaigns which utilise our surroundings in ingenious ways to amuse and inspire us. This is the key to earning our valuable attention. Here is a selection of our favourite recent examples-


Tom and AlexWell, what can I say? It’s been a crazy old couple of weeks here at ADOmedia.

Some big changes are afoot. One of the biggest is the sad departure of company relic Mr Tom Tong. He has been here from the beginning as co-founder of the business and has put in 6 and a half years of hard graft. That means 6 and a half years of putting up with Alex’s ramblings, frosty offices, dodgy developers and hard months as well as breakthrough days, exciting changes and the big move to a slightly warmer studio.

He has made the tough decision to spread his wings and flutter off to pastures new. With a sniff, we have waved him off from the towers and would all like to wish him the very best for the future. Among other things, we will miss his grumpy little face, ultra strong brews and in depth knowledge of all things Steven Seagal. His screams of joy during breakthrough moments will no longer echo through the chambers of ADOtowers, but if you listen carefully you may just hear them from his new abode. We would like to say a big thank you for those 6 and a half years, we couldn’t have done it without you. Now go Mr Tong, onward to the big wide world beyond. But remember to pop in for an ultra strong brew from time to time.