
Bodyguard for hire

A lot of talk is taking place across the net regarding a new web page for an iPad and iPhone app called “Ben the Bodyguard”. Little is known about the app as the developers are playing things very close to their chests other than it is an encryption tool for your contacts and photos. However, what the app does is not what the hype is about – the hype is regarding another superb example of what can be done with HTML5. Another nail in the coffin for flash perhaps? All we know is we agree with the hype regarding the web page. Click on the link below and take Ben for a stroll now!

Ben the Bodyguard

Visit Ben’s world by clicking here.

The Wilderness Downtown

Considering the weather at the moment, the title of this Google Chrome experiment seems more than appropriate. This is an experiment developed using HTML5 featuring the song “We Used To Wait”  by Arcade Fire.  Self described as an interactive film and using Google Earth information to link to your hometown, it is a modern fusion of music, video and graphics showing what diversity you can create with HTML5.

Arcade Fire's The Wilderness Downtown - A short film by Chris Milk

Be entertained by this visual treat here.